Warhammer 40k Font

Proprietaries Firstly, many of the fonts used by Black Industries and Fantasy Flight Games in the Warhammer 40,000 roleplay books either require payment to use or are part of an exclusive license. In particular, the elusive Requiem Inquisitor (or Heretica Inquisitor) font is a proprietary product, that is, the font is solely owned. Download Space Marine font (1 styles). Space Marine space-marine.ttf 24 Kb An all-uppercase font which I created for an author of Roleplaying Game modules, especially Warhammer 40K. Supports Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish.

Sci-Fi Fonts

There are literally megabytes of Sci-Fi fonts available on the internet. We at the 10F Archives have waded through tons of fonts to bring you the best ones. Many fonts we've seen were just renamed ripoffs of other fonts, or had so few characters they weren't worth bothering with. Many of the fonts listed here were assembled or written by Tommy of Escondido and Co. Visit his web page for other sci-fi fonts and to read about font projects in the works. Also important to mention is Boba Fonts, a site devoted to Star Wars typefaces. Here are our many selections, each available in Windows or MacOS Truetype format. You can see the fonts before you download them by using the font preview script at the bottom of the page.

Swiss 911: Possibly the most important font you can have if you're a Star Trek fan. This is the font used for signage and computer text in Star Trek TNG, DS9, and Voyager.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Aurek Besh: This font represents the alphabet used in the Star Wars universe, the Aurebesh.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Bajoran Ancient: This font represents the Bajoran written language as it appeared several thousand years ago.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Bajoran Ideogram: This font is representative of the current Bajoran written language.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    ST Binar: This font represents the Binar written language as it appeared on computer screens in the TNG episode '110001001'.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Borg: This is a very cool font. It has many symbols taken from Borg computer screen readouts as seen in Star Trek: First Contact, and Voyager.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Cardassian: This font is representative of the written language of Kardassi, used by the Cardassian empire.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Deep Space 9 Regular: This is the font used for titles in the opening sequences of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    ST El-Aurian: This font represents two written languages of the El Aurian race. Small case is hand-written, upper case is computer lettering. Both most be rotated to be viewed correctly, as this language is written downwards.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Eldar: This is a font that contains many runes and sysbols used by the Eldar in Warhammer 40K.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Federation Regular: This font is used for small print on the outside of ships.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Ferengi Pack: This set of fonts emulates the complex written language of the Ferengi. There are three individual fonts: Ferengi left, Ferengi right, and a gothic version of Ferengi right. The Windows version includes a help file by the author explaining how to write Ferengi.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Federation Bold & Starfleet Bold Extended: These two fonts are almost identical... almost. This style is the bold & outlined font used for the main names on the hulls of Starfleet ships. Federation Bold prints out fine but it doesn't render well on screen. On the other hand, Starfleet Bold doesn't have lower case support. It's your choice. I keep them both around, just in case.

    Federation Bold

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Starfleet Bold Extended

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Federation Wide: This font is used on the outside of ships as well, but mainly for smaller lettering and non-critical titling.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Final Frontier Regular: This font is similar to the Deep Space Nine font but is capable of small case. It is representative of the title font used in Star Trek V and IV.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Gornathon Regular: This font is representative of the written language used by the Gorn: a reptilian race that was only ever seen in the original Star Trek.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Imperial: This typeface contains many symbols and signage used by the Imperials in Warhammer 40K.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Klingon Standard: This font is representative of the written language used by Klingon empire. (as seen in TOS)

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Klingon TNG: This font is representative of the written language used by Klingon empire. (as seen in TNG and DS9)

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Orky: This is a font that contains lots of 'Orky' symbols and glyphs used by the Orks in Warhammer 40K.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Romulan Regular: This font is representative of the written language used by Romulan empire

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Romulan Extended: This font is similar to Romulan Regular but is in extended style.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Son'a: This font represents the written Language used by the Son'a, as seen in 'Star Trek: Insurrection'.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Star Next: This font is an extension of the type used for the 'STAR TREK' in the title screen of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Trek Regular: This is the font used for names and credits in the opening sequences of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Trek Generation 1: This font was used in certain titles in Star Trek 'Generations' and 'First Contact'. You'll probably reckonize it vaguely when you see it.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Shadows of Xizor: This is the typeface that appears on all 'Shadows of the Empire' Star Wars merchandise.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Star Jedi: This is the 'Star Wars' logo typeface. The font comes in several flavours, including hollow and outlined.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    StarTrek Pi & StarTrekNext Pi: These fonts aren't complete by any means but contain a lot of useful characters and symbols. It can take a little doing to find what you're looking for, though. The first contains symbols from the original series and the films and the second contains symbols from Star Trek: TNG.

    StarTrek Pi

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    StarTrekNext Pi

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Tie Wing: This is a font simillar to the title font used on the 'TIE Fighter' video game.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    TrekBats: TrekBats is a dingbats font full of really interesting stuff you won't find anywhere else. It contains logos, pictures, symbols, and a lot of ship drawings. Most characters need to be at a large size to look good on screen, but to have this stuff in vector format is just a treasure.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Trill: This font is representative of the written language used on the Trill homeworld.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Old Vulcan: This font represents the Vulcan written language as it appeared several thousand years ago.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font

    Modern Vulcan: This font is representative of the present day vulcan written language.

  • Macintosh Truetype Font
    Font Preview Script

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    Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Star Trek: Voyager are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Wars is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. All characters, images, and related marks on this and all linked pages are the property of their respective owners. This site and all affiliated materials are in no way, shape, or form associated with Paramount Pictures or Lucasfilm. This site is for non-commercial purposes only. Any misuse of such copyright materials is purely accidental.

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    Sci-Fi Chats
  • I am fascinated by fonts. I have no professional expertise in them, but I take great pleasure in identifying them and selecting them. It’s an interest that naturally extends to the typography of Warhammer.


    While not everyone will share my fascination, some might at least be interested in one of its results. I have put together a Word template that replicates fairly closely the look of the original WFRP1 rulebook.

    The text of the original rulebook was set in a version of Garamond (probably ITC Garamond). The initial capitals were in Stonehenge and the headings in Casanova Antique. My template uses the closest available free digital fonts. The text is in the default Garamond font in Word. Moria Citadel and Caslon Antique stand in for Stonehenge and Casanova Antique. Calibri is used for the dots that bracket headings.

    It’s not perfect, but it’s very close. The template can be downloaded for free from here. It requires the Caslon Antique and Moria Citadel fonts to be installed.

    Warhammer 40k Frontier World


    Warhammer 40k Fantasy Flight Games

    Title image used without permission. No challenge intended to the rights holders.